All of our Clones this year are Outdoor Certified and we have indicated how blight resistant we found them to be.
Outdoor Certified clones have been tested and evaluated outdoors to ensure that they finish on time in the short growing season of the northeast, are disease resistant and of the highest quality.
Price List
$25- Clones fully rooted in 3 inch pots are 6 to 11 inches tall.
$50 Teens- Clones fully rooted are 12 plus inches tall.
Spring Bulk Orders
18 to 36 clones 10% off ($22.50 per clone)
37 clones and above call for pricing (dependent on inventory)
Cherry Crush​ (Queen of the North Genetics)
Outdoor Certified (4th week of September) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
​Flower: Extremely pungent sour diesel type aromas, very greasy flower, possibly our most intense terpenes. Great bud density and extremely easy to trim.
Growth Habits: Medium vigor with great structure and not too much thinning required, boasts lovely red stems. Beautiful plant like its girl crush mother.
Notes: Indica dominant hybrid - This cross of our Girl Crush and Cherry west was a great success.
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: Medium THC 24-26%
End Game (Ethos Genetics)
Outdoor Certified (4th week of September) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: Lovely purpling with late cool weather, indoor like density, super quick and easy trim notes of gas and berries
Growth Habits: Medium vigor, hardly any thinning required and no waste, big buds, great spacing and yields.
Notes: Indica dominant-Our best phenotype from an extensive search of Ethos genetics flagship strain. Easy to grow and over delivers.
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: Medium THC 28-30%
Peanut Butter Octane (Thug Pug Genetics)
Outdoor Certified (4th week of September) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: Crystal covered sparkly flowers, sweet nutty aroma, very dense and easy to trim.
Growth Habit: Sativa dominant hybrid-Very vigorous growth, will get quite tall, great spacing of buds and nearly no thinning needed, probably our highest yield for a September finisher.
Notes: Sativa dominant hybrid
​Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: High THC 26-28%
Girl Crush (Mendo 20/20)
Outdoor Certified (1st Week of October) 7-9 Weeks indoors
​​Flower: very dense flowers and extremely frosty, terpenes are gassy and chemical dominant
Growth: Thin upright growth with medium vigor, some thinning recommended. Always the prettiest plant in the garden with long red stems and upright pointed leaves, a stunner.
Notes: Sativa-Indica Hybrid
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: Medium THC 26-28%
Slurricane (In House Genetics)
Outdoor Certified (1st Week of October) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: Smaller but very abundant evenly spaced and sized flowers that trim very easily. Extremely sweet tropical dominant terpenes, covered in sparkling trichomes.
Growth Habit: Extremely vigorous plant will get very large and always one of our highest yields.
Notes: Hybrid- A customer favorite for three years running.
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: High THC 24-26%
Mochi Gelato (Breeder Unknown)
Outdoor Certified (1st Week of October) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: very close to an indoor look, very dense heavy flowers covered in sugar, sweet vanilla dominates the terpene profile.
Growth Habit: Medium vigor strong branching, some thinning recommended, very little wasted flower all trimmable.
Notes: Sativa dominant hybrid, extremely beautiful coloring late in season. Will wash at 3% or more. Breeder unknown a cross of sunset sherbert and girl scout cookies.
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: High THC 27-29%
Royal Lime (Queen of the North Genetics)
Outdoor Certified (1st Week of October) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: Amazing resin production flowers a bit less dense than others but also more resin due to a higher surface area. Flowers dry extremely hard as if they have been dipped in sugar. Lime and gas dominate the terpene profile.
Growth Habit: Medium vigor and height, some thinning is recommended.
Notes: Sativa/Indica Hybrid- To create Royal Lime we crossed our MMXX from Mendo 20/20 with a limepop from Freeborn Genetics. We loved the amazing resin production of the MMXX but wanted something less leafy and a bit earlier with some more interesting terpenes. Mission accomplished. Should wash very well.
​Bud Rot resistance: Medium Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: High THC 26-28%
Gorilla Skittlez (Barneys Farm)
Outdoor Certified (1st Week of October) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: Our most colorful flowers, try and let them go as long as possible for deeper purples and reds. This plant has the resin production of its GG4 lineage and the sweet gassy terps and color of Skittlez lineage.
Growth Habit: Huge leaves Medium vigor medium height, would recommend some thinning.
Notes: Sativa/Indica hybrid-This did amazing outdoors and in our greenhouse last season.
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: Medium THC 26-28%
Planet of the Grapes (Ethos Genetics)
Outdoor Certified (1st Week of October) Indoor 7 to 9 Weeks
Flower: Big dense heavily perfumed flowers with hints of purple. Gas and Grape terpenes are unmatched by anything we have ever grown.
Growth Habit: Medium Vigor, Stocky plant with strong branching with little thinning necessary
Notes: Indica Dominant- We will also offer seedlings of this strain. Should wash very well.​
Bud Rot resistance: High Powdery Mildew resistance: High ​
Septoria Blight Resistance Level: Medium THC 28-30%